Sunday, July 12, 2009

What is the method of DNA replication where each original strand is used as a template to build a new strand?


the two strands in the DNA molecule contain nitrogen bases which are?

b.How many unique mRNA codons can be constructed from the four different RNA nucleotides?

c.What is the tRNA nucleotide sequence that lines up on the mRNA is?

What is the method of DNA replication where each original strand is used as a template to build a new strand?
1. semiconservative

2. adenine, guanine, thymine, cytosine

3. 64 codons

4. anticodon
Reply:Open your biology book, if you are going to ask questions that are easily found in your book, then why not look them up yourself??? How else are you ever going to learn anything? I assume that you are going to school for a reason. Is it so you can play on Yahoo! Answers instead of doing your homework? I assume that you will probably need this information in the future, so why not learn it now and get it over with. When you search out an answer yourself then you are more likely to retain the information than if you sit back and wait for others to do your work for you. I guarantee that you will remember my response much longer than the one with the correct answer. Good luck ;)

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